Adopt a dog

Adopting a dog is a big commitment. We want our hart dogs to part of your family furever.

become a foster

As a foster pawrent you are the bridge to a better life for a dog in need. Nothing is as rewarding as watching your foster dog flourish. The payment comes in wagging tails and wet noses.

upcoming events

There is always something fun in hart’s fundraising and events. We would love to have you join us.


Through your generous donations (monetary, in-kind, partnerships, supplies), hart volunteers can help more dogs.

Rescuing, rehabilitating and re-homing dogs since 2003. Located in Edmonton, Alberta. 

select your experience


Adopting a dog is a big commitment. We want our hart dogs to part of your family furever.


As a foster pawrent you are the bridge to a better life for a dog in need. Nothing is as rewarding as watching your foster dog flourish. The payment comes in wagging tails and wet noses.

get involved

hart draws on volunteers with different experiences and backgrounds (superpowers) to help make the difference of a lifetime for our dogs.


hart is an incorporated charitable society run entirely by volunteers. hart’s mission is to rescue, rehabilitate and re-home stray and abandoned dogs in addition to providing education and outreach programs that promote responsible pet ownership.